Solving the Kobayashi Marus of the Legal World, one “impossible situation” at a time…

Non-Attorney Services

Lawyers hire us. Our practice developed around serving other lawyers, first doing appellate work, then litigation evidence analysis. However, “once a client, always a client.” Our services department supports attorneys in their legal work. Our team performs data analytics, builds and hosts websites, provides legal assistants and paralegals, and more. Try to get us to stop trying to help our lawyer clients.


LegalSolved Human Resources

Gofer. LegalSolved has helped so many laweyrs manage their Associates, paralegals, legal assistants, and administrators that we had to create a division. Typical engagements include “associate to write a brief,” part-time Clio help, half-time legal assistant, etc. LegalSolved engages with the major hiring platforms to both source and interview candidates for deeper, engaged relationships with staff.

LegalSolved Research

I’m not paying for that. No, you are not. LegalSolved commits to research on our own dime in important areas. Current interests include Property & Liberty, Digital Consensus, the Domestic Relations Exception, and a smattering of Civil Procedures that rarely get adjudicated because most lawyers do not love the law more than they care not to “nudge” judges. We don’t mind being judge-nudgers with the law in tow.

LegalSolved Advocacy

Deal with me. LegalSolved’s founder started his political advocacy in Chicago in 2000 (incidentally assisting an aspiring state senator with a funy name), led local parents demanding accountability in the international outrage “Hit a Jew Day” fiasco, and now focuses on assisting the underprivileged and powerless become Strivers, Thrivers, and Drivers through non-profits such as the Institute for Justice.

LegalSolved Consulting

Live to Solve Problems. We could have tagged it “last but not least.” Our firm sprang out of Management Consulting (Boston Consulting Group, RelbanE, etc.). If LegalSolved’s goal is “Solving the Kobayashi Marus of the Legal World, one ‘impossible situation’ at a time…,” then you had better be armed with the widest array of tools. We beleive our clients channel Charlie Crews: “I need a bigger gun.” LegalSolved Consulting. QED.

LegalSolved Publishing

None of the law that’s fit to print. Our web publishing divisions cover the legal field from our origins in public records gathering see Jones Day v. Weinhaus et al. (TLDR: Weinhaus won then they settled). All LegalSolved publications were sold to Judiciocracy LLC in 2023. 

LegalSolved Education

I teach, therefore I am. LegalSolved’s founder has taught at UCLA (current), University of Chicago, WashU (StL), and Pepperdine. LegalSolved’s goal is to create lawyers. LegalSolved Education includes || – CA matching platform “helping lawyers skip law school,” apprenticeships, and upcoming CLE credit courses. The |current free law offerings| underpin Coach’s |law course at UCLA| – Entrepreneurial Strategy and the Law.

LegalSolved DATA Analytics

“We do math.” Three words you never hear from lawyers.  It is so axiomatic, we had to move this division to the “non-attorney” section even though all of our clients are law firms. And if you think they would mess up your math, see what happens if you mention “data.” If their eyes light up, it’s because you are paying hourly. From distance calculations for mass torts to data analytics around your big data, LegalSolved Data Analytics has the resources.

LegalSolved Organization

LegalSolved Subsidiaries

An attorney service for Hollywood’s elite and waitstaff.

Solving the Kobayashi Marus of the Legal World, one “impossible situation” at a time…

A Lawyer for when the Judge or Lawyer IS the problem.

Law Without Borders

FUSueMe. It’s pronounced fuh-SWAY-mee (fʌ‘sweɪmi).

Making Better Lawyers Without Law School.

Crypto Consulting For Institutions: From Monetary Sovereignty to Retail

Exponentially Augmenting The Output Of A Lawyer’s Time

Providing Board of Director-Level Governance Even in the Absence of Insurance

Saving Money and Helping Your Kids!

An attorney service for Hollywood’s elite and waitstaff.

FUSueMe. It’s pronounced fuh-SWAY-mee (fʌ‘sweɪmi).

Law Without Borders.

Making Better Lawyers Without Law School.

Providing Board of Director-Level Governance Even in the Absence of Insurance

Crypto Consulting For Institutions: From Monetary Sovereignty to Retail

Exponentially Augmenting The Output Of A Lawyer’s Time

Saving Money and Helping Your Kids!

LegalSolved Affiliates

Get IN touch

[email protected]

(314) 580-9580

Our offices




11500 Olive Blvd. Suite 133
Creve Coeur, MO. 63141

California [Pending]


All office hours are by appointment only

M-F: appointment only
Sat-Sun: Closed



The information and materials contained in this web site have been prepared for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. The transmission of information on this web site is not intended to establish, and the receipt of such information does not establish or constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Statements contained in this web site regarding past results obtained on behalf of current and/or former clients is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a guarantee of future results. Every case is different and must be judged on its own merits. This site contains information for both legal services that require a licensed attorney and services that are not legal advice. As such, all pages are delineated for providing legal services via attorney or does not include that information. There can be no attorney client relationship established for any service not explicitly labeled as legal advice and no legal advice will be given for any of those services. Attorney legal services are provided through a licensed attorney. No non-attorneys receive compensation for legal services. Non-attorney services such as "art" may be provided by non-attorney service providers. Reference to "partner" refers to any business associate and not a principal in a limited or general partnership unless specifically denoted otherwise. The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any matter. The transmission and receipt of information contained on this Website, in whole or in part, or communication with LegalSolved via the Internet or e-mail through this website does not constitute or create a lawyer-client relationship between us and any recipient. You should not send us any confidential information in response to this webpage. Such responses will not create a lawyer-client relationship, and whatever you disclose to us will not be privileged or confidential unless we have agreed to act as your legal counsel and you have executed a written engagement agreement. The material on this website may not reflect the most current legal developments. The content and interpretation of the law addressed herein are subject to revision. We disclaim all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all the contents of this site to the fullest extent permitted by law. Do not act or refrain from acting upon this information without seeking professional legal counsel. Use of this site acknowledges the above.

Attorney Information

California License # 330344
Illinois License # 6333901
Missouri License # 72-255. (72255)

All Offices Listed are for Appointment Only:






LegalSolved LLC

Edward "Coach" Weinhaus, Esq.

11500 Olive Blvd Ste 133
Creve Coeur, MO. 63141



Portions of the content on this site may be considered attorney advertising under the laws or rules of professional conduct of some states. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. “[t]his disclosure is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Missouri.” No representation is made that the legal services to be performed are greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Anyone considering a lawyer should independently investigate the lawyer’s credentials and ability, and not rely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. No representation is made here about your specific rights in any specific matter. Every case is different and must be judged on its own merits. We do not offer or promise case results. Past success in litigation does not guarantee success in any new or future lawsuit. Prior results do not guarantee a future outcome. Contingent attorney fees are not set by law. Costs and fees are charged only upon monetary recovery. Not available in all states. Cases may be handled in association with, or may referred to, other law firms as co-counsel or referral counsel. The law differs in every jurisdiction, and you should not rely on any opinion except that of an attorney you have retained, who has a professional duty to advise you after being fully informed of all the pertinent facts, and who is licensed in the applicable state, and is familiar with the applicable law. Internet subscribers, mobile application users, and online readers should seek professional counsel about their legal rights and remedies. This site contains links to third-party web sites for the convenience of our users. LegalSolved does not endorse any of these third-party sites and does not imply any association between LegalSolved and those sites. LegalSolved does not control these third party web sites and cannot represent that their policies and practices will be consistent with these Terms of Use. If you use links to access and use such web sites, you do so at your own risk. LegalSolved is not responsible for the contents or availability of any linked sites. These links are provided only as a convenience to the recipient. These Terms only apply to the Site and do not apply to any linked sites. We encourage you to read and understand the terms of use of any linked sites that you visit. Links do not imply that we sponsor, endorse, are affiliated with or associated with, or are legally authorized to use any trademark, trade name, service mark, design, logo, symbol, or other copyrighted materials displayed on or accessible through any linked site. LegalSolved lawyers do not hold themselves out as "specialists."
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